Difference Between Connection Managers used in SSIS Control Flow Tasks and Data Flow Components

Hi folks,

Today I face a question regarding usage of OLE DB VS.
ADO.NET Connection managers in SSIS, there are some blog posts about difference
between connection providers and speed and performance of them. So I thought
that this will be helpful if I list different Control Flow Tasks and Data Flow
Components in SSIS that supports each connection manager.

There are some tasks and components that only supports one
of connection managers and there are few that supports all of them.

This comparison made on SSIS 2012:

Connection Managers





SQL Mobile


Control Flow

Execute SQL Task






Bulk Insert Task


Data Profiling Task


CDC Control Task


Transfer Tasks


Data Flow

OLE DB Source/Destination


SQL Server Destination


ADO.NET Source/Destination


ODBC Source/Destination


CDC Source


Lookup Transformation


OLE DB Command


Fuzzy Lookup Transformation


Fuzzy Grouping Transformation


Term Lookup Transformation


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