Update image column with the physical file with SSIS

Problem: you have a table with 2 fields: FilePath -> this field contains address of local image file path FileImage -> this field contains the image exactly, type of this field is image(sql server database) Now you want to update FileImage field with files that are exists in exact local paths. can you do it Read more about Update image column with the physical file with SSIS[…]

Excel to SQL Server, Dynamic Data Flow

You need to import data from excel file to sql server table, you can do this with a simple import wizard or simple data flow task in SSIS. But there are lots of times which you want to do this data transfer dynamically. Suppose these scenarios: 1- you have many excel files with same structure Read more about Excel to SQL Server, Dynamic Data Flow[…]

PIVOT Transformation – SSIS – Complete Tutorial

Sometimes, you need to use PIVOT in SSIS. brief explanation of what PIVOT is from msdn is here: PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted Read more about PIVOT Transformation – SSIS – Complete Tutorial[…]