Error Handling in SSIS; Download presentation materials and recording

Thanks for all attendees of today’s webinar about Error Handling in SSIS. turnout was good, and good questions asked and responded. Here are topics that covered in this session: Error handling in SSIS Data Taps Logging SSIS Catalog stored procedures for Logging and execution Debugging and Troubleshooting SSIS packages some live demos about error handling, Read more about Error Handling in SSIS; Download presentation materials and recording[…]

T-SQL Script to get row count of all tables in the database

Today I’ve wrote a simple script to get number of records for all tables in a database and fetch those tables that contains at least one record. This picture shows an example of result set: Here is the script: declare @tempTable table(tablename varchar(max), rowscount int,processed bit) insert into @tempTable select TABLE_NAME,0,0 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_CATALOG=‘DEMO’ Read more about T-SQL Script to get row count of all tables in the database[…]