In this series the process of how to create a simple applicaiton for facial recognition has been explained.
In the last post, the process of creating Power apps for taking the photo has been explained.
In this post, the process of creating face recognition function in Microsoft Flow will be explained. In the next one, how we able to connect and show the final result will be explained clearly.
First, you need to log into Microsoft Flow:
Microsoft Flow is an automated process site that able to handle the different process with most of Microsoft applications.
In this post, the main reason for using Microsoft Flow is for Microsoft Cognitive service, Face Recognition serivce.
However, before starting to setting up the Flow, you need to setup the Cognitive Servicce in Azure Portal or Cognitive Service. you cna follow the instruction from
After setting up, now click on the My Flows:
In the Myflow, click on the New to create a new flow
In the flow, choose the Create From Blank.
In the new flow, add trigger, the trigger for the flow is Power Apps (the picture that has been taken from face).
The Power App does not need any attributes. To call the face reccognition API, there is a need to store and convert the picture that we taken by Power App.
There is a component for Face Recognition in Microsoft Flow, however it just able to recive specific format, and also also not able to sent out the collection to Power Apps. To Solve this problem we need to add more steps and call teh API via other components,
As a result, first we need to store it in sharepoint folder by calling the Create File, we need to add the Site Address, Folder Path, File Name. Moreover, we need to send the actual image file from Power Apps with the name of Create_FileContent.
In the next step, we need to pass it to the Compose component for the aim of store it in a variable ands also pass it to the HTTP component.
Here in the ComposeComponent, we have to convert the picture to the binary format using the function
In enxt step, we are goin to pass the binary file (picture) to a component named HTTP. This component is responsible for caling any API by passign the Url, Key and the requested fileds.
Choose a new action, and search for the http
for thr headers choose
In the next step, in http component, choose the Post for the Method,
for headers:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: put the API key from Azure
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
then we need to provide the Queries:
the first attribute is
returnFaceAttribute: that need to return below components from a picture:
The last Step is to pass the picture in Body of the Http component.
Http component able to call any type of API and can be used for calling other webservices.
Now we need another component to be able to pass the result to Power Apps, as a result
in the new action search for the responce, then for status code select 200, for Body choose the Body, and for the Responce Body JSON Schema paste the below codes
Reference from:
Just a little correction that took me sometime to figure it out. For headers you say:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: put the API key from Azure
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
then we need to provide the Queries:
the first attribute is
returnFaceAttribute: that need to return below components from a picture:
There is a missing “S” in this sentence -> returnFaceAttribute
If is not there, the response doesn’t resolve it.
Great tutorial!
Thanks so much, I will put the screenshot as well to avoid that, much appreciated for telling me