Power BI Subscription: Get Report Updates In Email

Have you ever wondered is it possible to have updates of the Power BI report to be emailed to you (or some other colleagues) on a daily basis? Power BI, fortunately, has this feature, it is called Subscription. Subscriptions are helpful ways to send an up-to-date version of the report and dashboard to the users’ Read more about Power BI Subscription: Get Report Updates In Email[…]

TOP N Filter in Power BI with Zero DAX Code; Visual Level Filter

I have previously written articles about how you can write a measure in DAX that helps with TOP N filtering. However, you may not need that calculation for many situations. If all you want is just simply to get the top 10 customers based on the sales amount, or bottom 5 products, etc, then you Read more about TOP N Filter in Power BI with Zero DAX Code; Visual Level Filter[…]

Power BI Design Tip; Design for Mobile Device

Power BI is a mobile-friendly reporting solution. Every report that you generate can be viewed on the Mobile too. However, it doesn’t mean that the report is designed for mobile, or in other words; it doesn’t mean that is it a mobile report page. You have to make some changes, and take some extra considerations for Read more about Power BI Design Tip; Design for Mobile Device[…]

Top Five Myth and Misconceptions about Power BI

Like many other services and tools in the market, when a product passes certain popularity, normally we see some rumors and myths and misconceptions about it spreading around. Power BI also has that kind of myth and misconceptions. In this article, I’ll uncover five of the most common myth and misconceptions about Power BI. Video Read more about Top Five Myth and Misconceptions about Power BI[…]

Power BI Sandbox: An Environment to Learn Power BI Service for Free

A question I often get from many students is: “How can I practice Power BI service features if I do not have a Power BI Account?”. Not having a Power BI account can happen because of many scenarios; your company might close this option so that the process be only channeled through a specific process Read more about Power BI Sandbox: An Environment to Learn Power BI Service for Free[…]

Sparkline in Power BI

So you want to add a sparkline in a Power BI report and wonder how to do it. Fortunately, the Power BI team recently added that functionality, and it is very easy to use. In this blog and video, I’ll explain how it works through a demo. Video What is the Sparkline? Sparkline is a Read more about Sparkline in Power BI[…]

Import Azure Active Directory Users into Power BI; An Step toward Dynamic Row-Level Security

A question that I often get when I explain what the dynamic row-level security in Power BI is and how it works, is that; how can we get all the users in an Active Directory tenant imported into Power BI? There are other benefits also to import Azure Active Directory (AAD) users loaded into Power Read more about Import Azure Active Directory Users into Power BI; An Step toward Dynamic Row-Level Security[…]

Skills Needed for a Power BI Developer

So you want to become a Power BI Developer, and wonder what skills you need to learn, what are the best resources to learn from, and where to start? This is an article and video explaining those in detail and helping you in your journey to become a Power BI Developer. Video 1. Data Modeling Read more about Skills Needed for a Power BI Developer[…]

Power BI From and To Date Filtering with One Slicer

It happens that you might have two fields as From and To date (or Start and End date) in your dataset, and you want a date slicer in the report. The date slicer has to filter records in a way that the FROM and the TO dates are in the range of dates selected in Read more about Power BI From and To Date Filtering with One Slicer[…]