Latest Power BI and AI articles from RADACAD team

Power BI Icon Names for Conditional Formatting Using DAX

I have previously written about conditional formatting in Power BI, and how you can take one step further with using DAX to dynamically change the conditional formatting. Conditional formatting with DAX for colors is easy, you can use the color name or their hex code. But for Icons, it is slightly different. You can either Read more about Power BI Icon Names for Conditional Formatting Using DAX[…]

ConcatenateX in Power BI and DAX: Concatenate Values of a Column

It happens often in Power BI calculations and reports that you need to concatenate a list of values from a column. You can do this concatenation in Power Query or DAX. However, if the concatenation needs to be done dynamically. ConcatenateX is a very helpful DAX function to achieve such results. It is very helpful Read more about ConcatenateX in Power BI and DAX: Concatenate Values of a Column[…]

KPI Visual in Power BI Explained

If you are showing an important measure value in the report, and you want to compare it with a target and see if it meets the target or not, The KPI visual comes in handy. The KPI Visual’s behavior, however, might be a bit hard to understand, In this article and video, I explained how Read more about KPI Visual in Power BI Explained[…]

Power BI Pattern: Find Start and End Date of Task from Children

The project and task planning management systems have the concept of each task starting and ending with a date. Tasks can be a child of other tasks, and the parent tasks should take the whole range that the child task’s date includes. You need to parse the parent-child hierarchy of tasks (which can be many Read more about Power BI Pattern: Find Start and End Date of Task from Children[…]

Power BI Calendar Visual

Power BI doesn’t have a built-in calendar visual. Although there are some custom visuals for building a calendar, however, custom visuals come with some limitations sometimes. In this article and video, I explained how you can use built-in visuals to create a calendar visualization in your report. Video First step: Custom Date Table The first Read more about Power BI Calendar Visual[…]

Search Bar in Power BI Slicer

If you have too many items in a slicer, such as the list of customer names, or product names, then finding one amongst the list takes time, unless you enable the search. Fortunately, the search is there for you, you just need to enable it, In this very short article and video, I’ll explain where Read more about Search Bar in Power BI Slicer[…]

Power BI Date or Calendar Table Best Method: DAX or Power Query?

So you want to create a date or calendar table in Power BI, and you search for ways to do that. Then you will find many different approaches for that. Some of the approaches are using Power Query, some are using DAX. Which method is the best? What is the actual difference between a date Read more about Power BI Date or Calendar Table Best Method: DAX or Power Query?[…]

Power Query Transformation Pattern: Convert Status Log Dates Table to Start and End Date Table in Power BI

I have previously explained how to analyze the data of a status log table and a from/to date table (like a subscription pattern). I also explained that in some scenarios a from/to table works better than a status log table. In this article and video, I’ll explain how you can transform or convert a status Read more about Power Query Transformation Pattern: Convert Status Log Dates Table to Start and End Date Table in Power BI[…]

Power BI Modeling: Change the Status Log Table to a From-To Table

It is common that you face a status table in your data analysis scenarios. A status table normally has a column for the status of the items and the date of status change. This type of table, although informative, can be hard for analyzing data. In this article and video, I’ll explain why it is Read more about Power BI Modeling: Change the Status Log Table to a From-To Table[…]

Generate Year Month Day Combinations in Power BI Report using Power Query Date.ToText Function

A common requirement when reporting data with a Date axis is to be able to see the year and the month in a short form beside each other. Formats such as 2021 Jan, or Jan 2021, or even Jan 21, or 2021-01 are very popular. In Power BI, ideally, you should have a Date dimension Read more about Generate Year Month Day Combinations in Power BI Report using Power Query Date.ToText Function[…]