Dynamic distances in Power BI

I recently encountered a question posed to the Power BI community forum I found interesting enough to kick-start my blogging on Power BI. The essence of the question was asking how to dynamically determine distances between two geographic points from user based selections.  So I thought I would cover how this can be done in Power BI to Read more about Dynamic distances in Power BI[…]

IF and Filter are Different! Be Careful (DAX)

DAX has many functions to write conditional expressions. For example you might want to calculate sum of sales amount for all “Red” products. you can achieve it by using SUMX or Calculate, and functions such as IF or Filter to write a conditional expression for product color to be equal to “Red”. At the first Read more about IF and Filter are Different! Be Careful (DAX)[…]

M or DAX? That is the Question!

What is the main difference between M and DAX? Why we can do a calculated column in two different places? What are pros and cons of each? Which one should I use for creating a profit column? Why I cannot do all of it in only one; DAX or M! Why two different languages?! Why Read more about M or DAX? That is the Question![…]

Overwrite Interaction of Power BI with DAX

I have written a blog post while ago about using Edit Interaction to control the interaction of visuals. There are however sometimes that you want to have some of filters to be applied on (some measures) of a single visual, but others not. In this post I’ll explain one method of writing DAX expressions in Read more about Overwrite Interaction of Power BI with DAX[…]

Previous Dynamic Period DAX Calculation

Parallel Period is a function that help you fetching previous period of a Month, Quarter, or Year. However if you have a dynamic range of date, and you want to find the previous period of that dynamic selection, then Parallel Period can’t give you the answer. As an example; if user selected a date range Read more about Previous Dynamic Period DAX Calculation[…]

Lost Customers DAX Calculation for Power BI

One of the sample scenarios that DAX can be used as a calculation engine is customer retention. In the area of customer retention businesses might be interested to see who there lost customers or new customers are in the specific period. Obviously this can be calculated in the Power Query or in the data source Read more about Lost Customers DAX Calculation for Power BI[…]