9 thoughts on “Exposing M Code and Query Metadata of Power BI (PBIX) File

  • When I import/read XML files FROM FOLDER , they sometimes have different “culture versioning”.
    or . I need a function to change the TextEncoding.Utf8

  • Hi,
    Where could I find the calculated field expressions and measures field expression in the PBIX file?

    • Hi Cinna
      If you use Power BI Helper, in the Model tab, you can get all expressions information and document it out to HTML format

    • Anything can be changed.
      however, it is not supported after your change, and you have to take the risk and responsibility of that change yourself.

  • Is it still working for you in March 2020 update? I tried this last time with file saved with Feb 2020 update and it worked but now it does not.

    • Hi Jakub, the new format of the dataset is different. You can connect to it using Power BI helper, and then from the DMV tab, use the PARTITIONS schema to get M code.

  • Hi Reza, very interesting post!
    Do you know a way to extract from pbix file the last refresh date of each individual table? That is the date and time that pops up when you hoover on the table name in the filed section of PBI Desktop
    Many thanks

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