Power BI Aggregations Step 3: Configure Aggregation Functions and Test Aggregations in Action

Aggregation can speed up the performance of DirectQuery sourced tables significantly. To use it, firstly, you need to create an aggregation table. Secondly, you must set up proper storage modes for tables in the model. Finally, you have to configure the aggregation functions, which I will explain in this post. You can learn about aggregation Read more about Power BI Aggregations Step 3: Configure Aggregation Functions and Test Aggregations in Action[…]

Aggregation to speed up the performance of a Power BI report even if all IMPORTED

One of the questions I normally get after presenting about aggregations in Power BI is that, does the aggregation works only for Composite mode and in scenarios to speed up the DirectQuery? or does it work in import mode as well? This article is about this question and shows how you can speed up your Read more about Aggregation to speed up the performance of a Power BI report even if all IMPORTED[…]

Multiple Layers of Aggregations in Power BI; Model Responds Even Faster

Aggregations are speeding up the model. However, the aggregated table is not just one table; It can be multiple layers of aggregations. Aggregation by Date, aggregation by Date and Product, aggregation by Date and Product and Customer. Multiple layers ensure that you always have the best performance result possible, and you only query the DirectQuery Read more about Multiple Layers of Aggregations in Power BI; Model Responds Even Faster[…]

Dual Storage Mode; The Most Important Configuration for Aggregations! Step 2 Power BI Aggregations

An aggregated table can be a layer on the source DirectQuery table. This table needs to have a proper relationship set up with other tables and also the proper storage mode configuration. Storage Mode configuration of the composite model is an important configuration and critical part of setting up the aggregation. The storage mode configuration Read more about Dual Storage Mode; The Most Important Configuration for Aggregations! Step 2 Power BI Aggregations[…]