Why My Values are Not Showing Correctly in Power BI?

I have written previously about what is a fact table, and what is the dimension table, and how they relate to each other in a Power BI data model. However, still I see when people use these tables in their model, they get ambiguity of what table should be used for what, and if they Read more about Why My Values are Not Showing Correctly in Power BI?[…]

Do You Need a Date Dimension?

I’ve hear this question many times; “Do you think we need a date dimension?”.  some years ago, date dimension has been used more, but nowadays less! The main reason is that there are some tools that are using their own built-in date hierarchy. As an example Power BI has a built-in date hierarchy that is Read more about Do You Need a Date Dimension?[…]

Data Preparation; First and Foremost Important Task in Power BI

I’ve talked about Data Preparation many times in conferences such as PASS Summit, BA Conference, and many other conferences. Every time I talk about this I realize how much more I need to explain this. Data Preparation tips are basic, but very important. In my opinion as someone who worked with BI systems more than Read more about Data Preparation; First and Foremost Important Task in Power BI[…]