What is the Direction of Relationship in Power BI?

Relationships in Power BI are a bit different from other database management systems. In most of the systems, you just have a relationship and there is no “Direction” for it. In Power BI, however, there is a direction for the relationship. The direction of a relationship plays a critical role in the way that filtering Read more about What is the Direction of Relationship in Power BI?[…]

Search for a Column in the Entire Database with Table.ColumnNames in Power Query and Power BI

Sometimes for tables with too many columns, and also for databases with too many tables, you do need a bit of help to explore the data. As an example; you know that you are looking for a column named “account status”, but the column does not exists in the accounts table. You need to search Read more about Search for a Column in the Entire Database with Table.ColumnNames in Power Query and Power BI[…]

Parsing Organizational Hierarchy or Chart of Accounts in Power BI with Parent-child Functions in DAX

Parent-child functions in DAX are very useful for parsing an organizational hierarchy or something like a chart of accounts. Usually, for hierarchies that the number of levels is not determined, you need to use a different method, and parent-child functions in DAX are a big help for that type of hierarchies. In this post, you Read more about Parsing Organizational Hierarchy or Chart of Accounts in Power BI with Parent-child Functions in DAX[…]

Week to Date Calculation in Power BI with DAX

There are a number of pre defined DAX time intelligence calculations that help you to get analytics over time, such as year to date, same period last year, and etc. However, there is no calculation for Week to Date built-in. I have found it quite a demand for some of businesses, as many of businesses Read more about Week to Date Calculation in Power BI with DAX[…]

Quick DAX : Convert number to binary (and back)

Something that is currently missing in DAX is a native set of functions to perform Bitwise operations.  These can be incredibly useful functions and one, in particular, is the ability to convert a  base10 number to its binary format. Once you have the number in binary format, you can apply logical operations between numbers to Read more about Quick DAX : Convert number to binary (and back)[…]

Quick DAX: Use GENERATESERIES to create Time buckets

A not so obvious use of the recently added GENERATESERIES function to use it to generate time buckets.  The more common use of this function is to generate series of numbers, but it works just as well with Time based data. Say you want to create a data table with rows that represent time periods.  Read more about Quick DAX: Use GENERATESERIES to create Time buckets[…]

Power BI Helper Version 2: Connection Types, Multiple PBI files, Relationship advise, and Not used tables

I started Power BI Helper with the intention to help to find issues in Power BI reports faster and easier. This tool over time became better and better. I’m excited now to let you know that the version 2.0 of this product is now available for everyone to use and enjoy. This version comes with Read more about Power BI Helper Version 2: Connection Types, Multiple PBI files, Relationship advise, and Not used tables[…]

DateAdd vs ParallelPeriod vs SamePeriodLastYear; DAX Time Intelligence Question

Using DAX time intelligence functions for a while; you may ask this question from yourself that what is the difference between functions below; SamePeriodLastYear function vs using ParallelPeriod with Year parameter ParallelPeriod for a month vs DateAdd for a month ago and many other questions that lead to this final question: Which function should be Read more about DateAdd vs ParallelPeriod vs SamePeriodLastYear; DAX Time Intelligence Question[…]