What a Power BI Hierarchy Is, and How to Use it?

Power BI hierarchies are a useful structure for drill-down and data exploration in reports. A hierarchy can be created simply and can add great value for you as a developer and end-users for better data analysis. In this article and video, I’ll explain what a Power BI hierarchy is and how to create it. Video Read more about What a Power BI Hierarchy Is, and How to Use it?[…]

Market Basket Analysis in R Part 3

About a couple of years ago, I wrote two articles about what is association rules and how we can have them in Power BI.In this post, I am going to put some more enhancements and show you how with data that is not cleaned how you can create Market Basket Analysis. these enhancements are about Read more about Market Basket Analysis in R Part 3[…]

Drill Down and Up in Power BI Explained

Power BI works with hierarchies very easily, and there are buttons to drill down and up. However, sometimes, these buttons are confusing for the users. It is essential to know what each drill down/up option is and how it works, not just for developers but also for the end-users. In this blog and video, I’ll Read more about Drill Down and Up in Power BI Explained[…]

Azure Map in Power BI with Layers: Part Three

In the last two posts, I have explained how to access Azure Map and create bubble charts and Bar charts with other available settings. check the first Post from here and the second one from here. In this blog, I am going to talk about different layers we can have on top of the map. Read more about Azure Map in Power BI with Layers: Part Three[…]

Azure Map in Power BI: Part Two

In the last post, an introduction to Azure Map was presented. Azure Map has considerations and limitations as below( that may resolve later as now is in preview) You can use it in Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, and mobile application But, not available Power BI publish to the web, Embedded and service embedding. Read more about Azure Map in Power BI: Part Two[…]

What is Azure Map in Power BI: Part One

Reza rad already wrote some articles about Map visuals in Power BI such as ArcGIS, Shape Map, and Filled Map. In this blog post, I am going to talk about Azure Map Visual in Power BI. a definition from Microsoft website: “The Azure Maps visual for Power BI provides a rich set of data visualizations Read more about What is Azure Map in Power BI: Part One[…]

Sync Slicers in Power BI

In some of the reports with many pages, some of the slicers are common, and all pages need to have them. Moreover, in some data analysis approach, we may want to apply one slicer, not on-page, but in all other pages in our reports. In this scenario, we need to use the sync slicers option Read more about Sync Slicers in Power BI[…]

Power BI Bookmarks: Grouping

Bookmarks are a way of storytelling, There are many examples of using Bookmark to show narrative storytelling check Reza Rad blog post on “Bookmarks and Buttons“. Imagine you created several bookmarks from different pages you have in the Power BI file. however, not all bookmarks are related to the same story. One related for example Read more about Power BI Bookmarks: Grouping[…]

Take Your Power BI Visualization to the Next Level using Small Multiples

Small multiple is a relatively recent feature on some of the Power BI visuals. This feature enables you to have a much better visualization instead of trying to fit everything in one visual (over-complicate it) or create copies of the same visual (maintenance issue in the future). This is a simple feature to use, which Read more about Take Your Power BI Visualization to the Next Level using Small Multiples[…]

Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data

Bookmark is a helpful feature in Power BI. It enables you to have a good story to tell and also have a dynamic visualization. I have explained how bookmarks work in Power BI and how to use them with buttons to have a next-level visualization. An important attribute of the bookmark is the Data. You Read more about Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data[…]