Sentiment Colors for Gauge Visual in Power BI

Gauge Visual is a great visual for KPIs, however, the Gauge visual in Power BI doesn’t have the sentiment colors as an option. Sentiment colors make a gauge much more understandable, you can easily find out is the value high, low, or in the mid-range. Fortunately, there is conditional formatting that can help. In this Read more about Sentiment Colors for Gauge Visual in Power BI[…]

Compare Period Over Period Breakdown in Power BI Using the Waterfall Chart

The Waterfall chart is a good visualization to show you changes on value over a sequence, The sequence can be time, or date or workflow steps, etc. There is also an ability in this chart that may not be visible to everyone, and that is the breakdown option of this chart. You can use the Read more about Compare Period Over Period Breakdown in Power BI Using the Waterfall Chart[…]

Sort a Column with a Custom Order in Power BI

I have previously written about how to sort a column by another column, and I used Month Names as an example. However, still, many are unaware that the same technique with slight modifications can be applied to any other columns. You can have a text column in your slicer (product category for example), and sort Read more about Sort a Column with a Custom Order in Power BI[…]

Slicer with AND condition in Power BI

The default behaviour of the slicer in Power BI is that it shows the result of OR when you select multiple items. For example, if you have a slicer for product colour, and then you select both “Black”, and “Blue” the result would be all records that have “Black”, OR “Blue”. Of course, you won’t Read more about Slicer with AND condition in Power BI[…]

Enhance the Card Visual in Power BI with Conditional Formatting

The conditional formatting can be used in many visuals in Power BI, and I have explained an example of doing it in table visual. This feature is also available in the Card Visual in Power BI, However, I have seen a very few people using it. In this short blog article, I’ll explain how this Read more about Enhance the Card Visual in Power BI with Conditional Formatting[…]

Custom Format Fields and Measures in Power BI

If you have been watching Power BI news recently, you know that Power BI fields now support custom formatting. In this short blog article, I am going to explain how to use this feature to achieve your custom formatting. You can do things like showing () for negative values, showing custom date/time formats, and etc. Read more about Custom Format Fields and Measures in Power BI[…]

From and To Date Slicers in Power BI: Filtering Based on Two Fields

Power BI date slicers can be used to filter based on one field. However, what if in your dataset, you have a FROM and TO (or Start and End) Date? In that case, you’d most probably want to use the slicer to filter the report in such a way that it shows all data in Read more about From and To Date Slicers in Power BI: Filtering Based on Two Fields[…]

Using Data Category to Have a Better Visualization in Power BI

There are some field properties in Power BI such as formatting, which is obvious to use. However, some configurations on the field level, such as Data Category, is not very well known. Data Category is a configuration that can be helpful in multiple visualizations, In this short article, I’m explaining how to use this option Read more about Using Data Category to Have a Better Visualization in Power BI[…]

Find the Best, Worst, and Middle Values Using Simple Clustering with Power BI Scatter Chart

Machine Learning and AI can be advanced areas, however, there are some easy to use methods for that especially in the Power Platform and Power BI. Leila has written tons of blog articles about AI in Power Platform. However, as a visualization point of view, I want to show you a feature that you might Read more about Find the Best, Worst, and Middle Values Using Simple Clustering with Power BI Scatter Chart[…]

Create Visual/Custom Visual for Power BI: Different Approaches

There is always a need to extend the usage of visuals in Power BI. There are multi ways to do it first using   First Option: Using Standard Panel               Easy to use and available all the time               all tested and reliable     Read more about Create Visual/Custom Visual for Power BI: Different Approaches[…]