Combining Dimension Tables in Power BI using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling

The article that I wrote earlier this week about the shared dimension had a lot of interest, and I’m glad it helped many of you. So I thought better to write about the basics of modeling even more. In this article, I will be focusing on a scenario that you have all faced, however, took Read more about Combining Dimension Tables in Power BI using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling[…]

Creating Calendar Table in Power BI using DAX Functions

I have previously written about using Power Query for creating calendar tables, However, some people still love to do that in DAX. There are a couple of DAX functions which makes the process of creating a calendar table very simple and easy; Calendar() and CalendarAuto(). In this short blog post, I’ll explain what are these Read more about Creating Calendar Table in Power BI using DAX Functions[…]

Showing the Total Value in Stacked Column Chart in Power BI

Although very simple, still I get this question very often; How can I show the total value as a data label in a stacked column chart? In this quick blog post, I’m going to show you a quick and easy method to use a combo chart and show the total as a label on top Read more about Showing the Total Value in Stacked Column Chart in Power BI[…]

Creating a Shared Dimension in Power BI Using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling

For a data warehouse professional, a shared dimension concept is always clear, and a star schema design always includes such type of entity. However, in the Power BI user’s world, there are many users who are not coming from a data warehousing background. It is necessary to understand some of the concepts in order to Read more about Creating a Shared Dimension in Power BI Using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling[…]

DAX and Conditional Formatting Better Together: Find The Biggest and Smallest Numbers in the Column

  In the previous article, I explained the importance of Conditional formatting and mentioned that having a table with no color coding is not a proper way of giving information to your users. In this article, as the second step; I’m going to show you how to use DAX combined with conditional formatting to only Read more about DAX and Conditional Formatting Better Together: Find The Biggest and Smallest Numbers in the Column[…]

Now You See Me! Use cases of ALL DAX Function in Power BI

Among all the functions in DAX; the behavior of ALL function still seems mysterious for many. Many people, don’t use it at all and end up writing a very complicated calculation for a scenario that only one simple expression can do the same job. Some people, use it, but don’t exactly know how the function Read more about Now You See Me! Use cases of ALL DAX Function in Power BI[…]

Remove Duplicate Doesn’t Work in Power Query for Power BI? Here is the Solution!

One of the most common transformations in Power Query is the Remove Duplicates. This transformation is used in many scenarios, one of the examples, is to create a dimension table with unique IDs in it, so can be used as the source of a one to many relationships to fact tables in the relationship diagram Read more about Remove Duplicate Doesn’t Work in Power Query for Power BI? Here is the Solution![…]

Show Me the Biggest Number! Conditional Formatting in Power BI

I have given many presentations and talks about Data Visualization, and still, I am amazed by how many visualizations I see which is not following the basic rules. In this article, I want to focus on table visual. A table is a visual that most of us are using it on many occasions, in fact, Read more about Show Me the Biggest Number! Conditional Formatting in Power BI[…]

Linked Entities and Computed Entities; Dataflows in Power BI Part 4

In previous articles, I explained what is the Dataflow and where to use it, I also explained how to create a dataflow, and what is the common data model. In this article, I’m explaining one of the differences between Dataflow and the Power Query in Power BI Desktop, which is Linked Entities and Computed Entities. Read more about Linked Entities and Computed Entities; Dataflows in Power BI Part 4[…]

Basics of Time Intelligence in DAX for Power BI; Year to Date, Quarter to Date, Month to Date

I have written some articles about advanced use cases of time intelligence but never wrote about it for beginners. as the time intelligence is an important part of many BI solutions, I decided to write about it from the beginning. In this article, first I explain what time intelligence is, and what are the requirements Read more about Basics of Time Intelligence in DAX for Power BI; Year to Date, Quarter to Date, Month to Date[…]