Latest Power BI and AI articles from RADACAD team

Connection Types in Power BI: Import Data or Scheduled Refresh; A Detailed Look Inside and Out

Power BI is one of the BI tools in the market that supports more than one type of connection. Each connection type has pros and cons. In this section, we are going to cover everything about Import Data or Scheduled Refresh type of connection. You will learn briefly how Power BI stores data into xVelociy Read more about Connection Types in Power BI: Import Data or Scheduled Refresh; A Detailed Look Inside and Out[…]

Adding Pre-Calculated Rank in Power BI Using Power Query

There are multiple ways that you can add a RANK column to your table, You can do that dynamically inside the Power BI report using DAX Measures, or you can do it pre-calculated. If you are doing a pre-calculated rank (let’s say for an aggregated table or something like that), then it would be perhaps Read more about Adding Pre-Calculated Rank in Power BI Using Power Query[…]

Power BI Datamart Integration in the Power BI Ecosystem

Power BI Datamart is integrating well with other components of the Power BI ecosystem (such as workspaces, sharing, deployment pipelines, endorsements, sensitivity labels, etc). In this article and video, I’ll explain how Power BI works with other features and services in Power BI implementation. If you are new to Power BI Datamarts, this article explains Read more about Power BI Datamart Integration in the Power BI Ecosystem[…]

Power BI Datamart Components

What is a Power BI Datamart underneath? Can you connect to the database generated by Power BI Datamart? how the Dataset associated with the Datamart can be used? Is there a linage view? In this article and video, I’ll explain These and you will learn about the components of a Power BI Datamart. If you Read more about Power BI Datamart Components[…]

Getting Started with Power BI Datamart

In the previous article, you learned what is a Datamart and the use cases of that in a Power BI implementation. In this article and video, you will have your first experience with Datamarts and learn through an example about what it is and how it works in detail. The interesting thing in all the Read more about Getting Started with Power BI Datamart[…]

Power BI Datamart – What is it and Why You Should Use it?

One of the newest additions to the Power BI components is the Datamart. Power BI Datamart is more than just another feature, it is a major milestone where the development of Power BI solutions will be revolutionized based on that. This is a feature that helps both citizen data analysts and developers. In this article Read more about Power BI Datamart – What is it and Why You Should Use it?[…]

Power BI DAX: Previous Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, and Year-to-Date Calculations

If you want to compare the sales up to a particular day and compare it with the previous period (month, quarter, or year) but up to that particular day in that period, then it is called previous month-to-date, previous quarter-to-date, and previous year-to-date. These calculations can be more helpful than comparing with the entire period Read more about Power BI DAX: Previous Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, and Year-to-Date Calculations[…]

Set Power BI Data Color: All Visuals to Follow Same Color for the Same Data Point

You can set the color in every visual in Power BI easily. You can also set the color of multiple visuals at the same time using Themes. However, what if you want to set the same color for the same data point? For example, You want the Gender Female to be always colored Orange in Read more about Set Power BI Data Color: All Visuals to Follow Same Color for the Same Data Point[…]

Top Five Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Power BI Reports

Because Power BI is an easy-to-start platform and you don’t need an extensive learning curve to get started with Power BI Desktop, we often see some bad practices in the implementation of Power BI reports. In this article and video, I explained the top five mistakes that I see happen a lot in building Power Read more about Top Five Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Power BI Reports[…]

PL-300: Power BI Exam Prep: Connecting to data sources

If you want to pass the PL-300 exam, there are some areas in that your skills will be assessed, and one of those is identifying and connecting to the data source and changing data source settings. Power BI Supports over 140 data sources, each data source has some connection configurations. Below you will learn the Read more about PL-300: Power BI Exam Prep: Connecting to data sources[…]