Latest Power BI and AI articles from RADACAD team

Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data

Bookmark is a helpful feature in Power BI. It enables you to have a good story to tell and also have a dynamic visualization. I have explained how bookmarks work in Power BI and how to use them with buttons to have a next-level visualization. An important attribute of the bookmark is the Data. You Read more about Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data[…]

Fuzzy Clustering in Power BI using Power Query: Finding similar values

I have written two articles about fuzzy operations in Power BI and Power Query so far;  fuzzy matching in Power BI, and fuzzy grouping. the methods above involve transforming the data with a fuzzy operation. However, sometimes you just want to know the similarity of values, or let’s say in other words; find the clusters. Read more about Fuzzy Clustering in Power BI using Power Query: Finding similar values[…]

Know Your Data Better by Column Profiling In Power BI using Power Query

An essential step towards a better analytics solution is to know your data. You have to know your data to be able to determine key columns, to learn what transformations need to be done, and etc. Power Query provides a very useful way of knowing your data in Power BI. Power BI has features for Read more about Know Your Data Better by Column Profiling In Power BI using Power Query[…]

Fuzzy Grouping in Power BI using Power Query

I have explained previously what fuzzy matching in Power BI is and how to use it. In this article and video, I’ll explain Fuzzy grouping. Fuzzy grouping in short means grouping text values by their similarity based on a threshold, rather than exact equal values. This option at the moment is available in Power Query Read more about Fuzzy Grouping in Power BI using Power Query[…]

Age Banding in Power BI using Power Query – Merge Queries Based on Between

Age banding is a common scenario in analytics, and I have explained how it is possible in many different ways. One of the methods I have explained was using DAX measures and the TREATAS function. Sometimes, however, the age banding can be static, and Power Query can be used for the calculation, which would make Read more about Age Banding in Power BI using Power Query – Merge Queries Based on Between[…]

All in One: Script to Create Calendar Table or Date Dimension using DAX in Power BI

I have previously written an article with the full script of how to generate a date dimension in Power BI using the Power Query script, and I would always recommend that as the first choice. However, sometimes, you just want this to be in DAX way, so here in this blog and video, I explained Read more about All in One: Script to Create Calendar Table or Date Dimension using DAX in Power BI[…]

Customize the Color, Font, and Style of the Power BI’s Filter pane

You can apply filters on visualizations in Power BI using the Filter pane. Filters can be applied in scopes of the report, page, or visual level. I explained that in this article. You can also customize the filter’s pane so that it hides or locks filters from the user’s view. And last but not least, Read more about Customize the Color, Font, and Style of the Power BI’s Filter pane[…]

Basics of DAX Expression in Power BI

There are a lot of resources about how to use each function. However, you always need to start with learning how the expression language works itself. You need to learn how to reference columns and tables. what operators can be used, and what are the very simple basics of writing a DAX expression. In this Read more about Basics of DAX Expression in Power BI[…]

DAX CrossFilter Function in Power BI: Write the Formula both-directional, but keep the relationship single-directional

If you are familiar with relationships in Power BI, you know that there are scenarios that you may need to change the direction of the relationship to a both-directional. A both-directional relationship comes at a cost, which is mainly performance and ambiguity of the model. There is a way to write a calculation in a Read more about DAX CrossFilter Function in Power BI: Write the Formula both-directional, but keep the relationship single-directional[…]

Power BI Visualization Tip: Hide or Lock the Filter for Users

I have previously explained that we have three scopes of filtering in the Power BI visualization. The filter created in the filter pane can be often changed or viewed by the user. However, there is a simple way to hide or lock it from the user. In this article and video, I explain how that Read more about Power BI Visualization Tip: Hide or Lock the Filter for Users[…]