Latest Power BI and AI articles from RADACAD team

Dynamic Row-Level Security in Power BI with Exclude and Include Rules

In the previous article, I explained how to implement a dynamic row-level security pattern when you have a value that you want to exclude. However, what if you want to EXCLUDE at some scenarios and INCLUDE in some others? What if you want to have a role saying access to everything but New Zealand, and Read more about Dynamic Row-Level Security in Power BI with Exclude and Include Rules[…]

Dynamic Row-Level Security in Power BI with NOT IN or NOT EQUAL Rule

Sometimes when you apply the dynamic row-level security, you want to have the criteria as NOT EQUAL and NOT IN. This can be a bit tricky in the dynamic implementation of RLS, because the relationship behavior is normally the opposite. In this article I’ll explain how you can do that. Introduction I have written many Read more about Dynamic Row-Level Security in Power BI with NOT IN or NOT EQUAL Rule[…]

Showing an alternate text when no data available in a Power BI chart visuals

If you have a visual in the Power BI, that based on some selections of a slicer it might return nothing, depends on the visual, you might get a blank visual, or some other types of improper view. In this blog, I share a simple trick that you can use to have an alternate message Read more about Showing an alternate text when no data available in a Power BI chart visuals[…]

Dynamically change the format of values in Power BI

Can you change the format of a measure or a value in Power BI dynamically? Is it possible to set a value to be a percentage sometimes, and sometimes to be a currency? can you change the currency format? The answer to all these questions is yes. In this short blog, I am going to Read more about Dynamically change the format of values in Power BI[…]

What is Premium Per User License for Power BI, and What is it good for?

One of the great news in Microsoft Ignite 2020 is the announcement of a new licensing plan for Microsoft Power BI, called Premium Per User, or Premium Gen2. In this article, I’ll explain what that is, and how this can be helpful for Power BI users. Power BI Licensing To understand the Premium Per User Read more about What is Premium Per User License for Power BI, and What is it good for?[…]

Ranking Chart in power BI Desktop Using Charticulator

Regarding using Charticulator for creating custom visuals, I come across one of the visuals in the Charticulator gallery and I decided to follow it up to see how it created. So I manage to create a dataset that has ranking, name and amount. https://charticulator.com/gallery/co2_emission_ranking.html In this example, I am using Carbon dioxide emission data for Read more about Ranking Chart in power BI Desktop Using Charticulator[…]

Remove Columns with Specific Patterns Name in Power BI using Power Query

I was in the middle of data transforming to create a clean dataset for a Charticulator post, that I come across a dataset as http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/SeriesDetail.aspx?srid=749 This dataset is for Carbon dioxide emissions in different countries around the world. The only columns I need from this datasets is about country name and the number of emissions for Read more about Remove Columns with Specific Patterns Name in Power BI using Power Query[…]

Stop DAX Cumulative Total Calculation in Power BI

Did it happen to you that you have calculated a cumulative total (such as running total, or year to date, etc) either using the quick measures or by writing the DAX expression yourself, and then realizing that the calculation happens even for the periods without any real data? For example, you want to stop that Read more about Stop DAX Cumulative Total Calculation in Power BI[…]

Install Power BI Helper as an External Tool for Power BI

The news about Power BI external tools have gone viral on the internet, and every day we see many useful tools added under external tools. The good news for those of you who have been waiting is that you can now have Power BI Helper also (even though a bit late in the game) to Read more about Install Power BI Helper as an External Tool for Power BI[…]

Combine Tables or Create Relationships? The Power BI Modeling Best Practice

Despite my many articles about the importance of star-schema and design principals of fact and dimension tables. I still get this question a lot: “When is good to combine tables vs loading them in the Power BI and creating a relationship between them?” This article is going to answer this question. Relationships In Power BI Read more about Combine Tables or Create Relationships? The Power BI Modeling Best Practice[…]