Latest Power BI and AI articles from RADACAD team

Incremental Refresh and Hybrid tables in Power BI: Load Changes Only

The default configuration for the Power BI dataset is to wipe out the entire data and reload it again. This can be a long process if you have a big dataset. Hybrid tables in Power BI keep part of the data in DirectQuery, and the rest is imported for data freshness and performance. In this Read more about Incremental Refresh and Hybrid tables in Power BI: Load Changes Only[…]

Power BI Real-time Streaming Dataset

Datasets in Power BI can have connection types such as Import, DirectQuery or Live Connection. However, there is also one specific type of dataset which is different. This type of dataset is called Streaming Dataset. A streaming dataset is for a real-time dashboard and comes with various setups and configurations. In this video and article, Read more about Power BI Real-time Streaming Dataset[…]

Power BI Fast and Furious with Aggregations

Power BI is not only a solution for small datasets, but It also caters for big datasets. If the volume of data is huge, you can switch to DirectQuery mode. Because DirectQuery does not store a copy of that data in the memory of the machine that runs the Power BI model, then Power BI Read more about Power BI Fast and Furious with Aggregations[…]

Azure Machine Learning Call API from Power Query

This was my longtime aim to create this post, and finally, I will write about it here on how to call Azure ML Rest API inside Powe Query even if you don’t have Power BI Premium.Of course, some limitations on the number of API calls need to consider while using your Rest API.Thanks to Chris Read more about Azure Machine Learning Call API from Power Query[…]

Power BI and Excel; More than just an Integration

Power BI and Excel are longtime friends of each other, not only because Power BI components come from add-ins introduced in Excel but also because of how these two tools interact with each other from the Power BI Service. This post is not about using Power Query or Power Pivot components in Excel. This article Read more about Power BI and Excel; More than just an Integration[…]

Power BI Paginated Report – Perfect for Printing

If you want to print a Power BI report and have a tabular visual in your report (such as a table or matrix), then your options are limited. Fortunately, Power BI Paginated report can help with that. In this article and video, I’ll explain the paginated report and the differences between that and a normal Read more about Power BI Paginated Report – Perfect for Printing[…]

Power BI Datamart Vs. Dataflow Vs. Dataset

Datamart, Dataflow, and Dataset are all Power BI components dealing with the data. I have presented about these a lot, and one of the questions I get is: What is the difference between Dataflow, Dataset, and Datamart? So I thought to explain it in an article and help everyone in that understanding. In this post, Read more about Power BI Datamart Vs. Dataflow Vs. Dataset[…]

Power BI Architecture for Multi-Developer

Using Power BI is simple. However, using it properly needs a good architecture. In a multi-developer environment, the architecture of a Power BI implementation should allow multiple developers to work on the same solution at the same time. On the other hand, the Power BI architecture should be designed so that different layers of that Read more about Power BI Architecture for Multi-Developer[…]

Power BI Shared Datasets: What is it? How does it work? and Why should you care?

Have you ever had a situation where you want to re-use part of the model in another report? Imagine two report visualizers in your team who want to create Power BI report visualizations from your data model. You have already done some modeling and calculations. How can this be done the best way without a Read more about Power BI Shared Datasets: What is it? How does it work? and Why should you care?[…]

Getting Started With Dataflow in Power BI – Part 2 of Dataflow Series

In the previous article, I mentioned what is the Dataflow, how it can be helpful, and mentioned some of its use cases of it in real-world Power BI implementation. In this article as the second part of the series for Dataflow, I like to give you some hands-on experience with Dataflow and explain how Dataflow Read more about Getting Started With Dataflow in Power BI – Part 2 of Dataflow Series[…]