Search in Power BI Table Visual Using a Slicer For Contains Character Criteria

If you have a lot of text in a table visual in Power BI and want to search to find all texts with a specific character in it, I have a solution for you. You can have an alphabet slicer and use it to filter the table visual, the trick is to combine it with Read more about Search in Power BI Table Visual Using a Slicer For Contains Character Criteria[…]

Aggregated Table in Power BI with Extra Options – Summarize Function in DAX

In the previous article, I explained how you can use GROUPBY function in DAX to create an aggregated table. In this article, I’ll explain how you can use Summarize function for the same purpose. Summarize function gives you more control on how to create your aggregated table with some extra functions. Let’s see how it Read more about Aggregated Table in Power BI with Extra Options – Summarize Function in DAX[…]

Aggregated Table in Power BI – Using GroupBy Function in DAX

There are many different ways you can create aggregations in Power BI, You can do it in the source (using the database t-SQL language), or using Group By operation in Power Query. You can also do it in DAX using some functions. One of the functions that can be used for grouping and aggregation is Read more about Aggregated Table in Power BI – Using GroupBy Function in DAX[…]

Create a Table with A to Z Character Values in Power BI Using DAX

I have explained previously that you can use GenerateSeries function in DAX to create a list of number, date or time, or even currency values. However, sometimes you might need to create a list of text values. Such as alphabet; from “a” to “z” lowercase, or uppercase. The good news is that you can do Read more about Create a Table with A to Z Character Values in Power BI Using DAX[…]

Page Navigation Buttons in Power BI

Previously, to create page navigation in Power BI, you needed to create bookmarks, and buttons to action to that bookmark. However, recently, in the last version of Power BI Desktop, the ability to easily navigate to other pages using Buttons in announced. In this short article, I’ll explain how you can use this approach to Read more about Page Navigation Buttons in Power BI[…]

Dynamic Banding or Grouping in Power BI – Using DAX Measures – Choose the Size of Bins

In the previous article/video, I explained how to create dynamic bins by choosing the count of bins in a slicer in the Power BI report. In this article, I’ll explain, how you can do it the other way around, which is by selecting the size of the bin, you will have bins and buckets dynamically Read more about Dynamic Banding or Grouping in Power BI – Using DAX Measures – Choose the Size of Bins[…]

Dynamic Banding or Grouping in Power BI – Using DAX Measures – Choose the Count of Bins

Banding (or binning or grouping) is a scenario that can be implemented both statically and dynamically in Power BI. Dynamic banding means selecting the bin (or band) configuration, and the banding changes based on the user selection of the slicer. Imagine that we have a count of customers by their age groups, but then we Read more about Dynamic Banding or Grouping in Power BI – Using DAX Measures – Choose the Count of Bins[…]

Age Banding in Power BI Using TREATAS DAX Function – Relationship Based on Between

One of the most common types of banding or binning is banding based on a range. Let’s say, for example,  you want to have a group of customers based on their age group. The age group banding can be created in Power Query at the data transformation stage. It can be created using the Grouping Read more about Age Banding in Power BI Using TREATAS DAX Function – Relationship Based on Between[…]

Creating Relationship Based on Multiple Fields in Power BI Using TREATAS DAX Function

TreatAs is helpful for filtering, and it doesn’t filter only based on one column, it can filter based on as many as columns you want. One of the challenges in Power BI relationships is creating a relationship based on multiple fields, I have previously explained a method you can use to create a compound key Read more about Creating Relationship Based on Multiple Fields in Power BI Using TREATAS DAX Function[…]

Building a Virtual Relationship in Power BI – Basics of TREATAS DAX Function

TreatAs is an interesting function with multiple use cases in Power BI. I thought it is good to explain it in a set of articles, the first one here is about what the TreatAs function is and how it can help to build filters and a virtual relationship between two tables. Let’s see how you Read more about Building a Virtual Relationship in Power BI – Basics of TREATAS DAX Function[…]