Data Wrangler VS. Power Query Editor – Microsoft Fabric

Power Query Editor and Data Wrangler are data transformation and preparation tools in Microsoft Fabric. There are similarities between these two tools. However, there are differences, too. It is essential to know the capabilities of each tool to understand which one should be used for what purpose and scenario. In this article, this is our Read more about Data Wrangler VS. Power Query Editor – Microsoft Fabric[…]

Power BI Direct Lake – What is it and Why it is Important When Working With Fabric

With the Microsoft Fabric announcement, There are also additional features in Power BI that makes the connection between Power BI and other Microsoft Fabric objects seamless and more profound. One of these features is the Direct Lake connection in Power BI. In this article and video, we’ll talk about the Direct Lake, how it differs Read more about Power BI Direct Lake – What is it and Why it is Important When Working With Fabric[…]

New Card Visual: Add Images to the Card Visual

One of the interesting features of the New Card visual is the capability to add images to the Card visual.It added more context to the car visual. In this blog post, I will show some data related to cancer in New Zealand based on gender and cancer type. Now I made two changes first if Read more about New Card Visual: Add Images to the Card Visual[…]

Convert Matrix data in Excel to Tabular Data in Power BI.

There is a common way of seeing data in Excel as a Matrix format; many data entries look like a matrix in many contexts, from accounting to health data. However, to better analyze data and add more calculations and charts and, in general, get more insight from data, we need to change the matrix data Read more about Convert Matrix data in Excel to Tabular Data in Power BI.[…]

Lakehouse VS. Warehouse VS. Datamart – The Difference Between The Three Fabric Objects

Three types of objects in the Microsoft Fabric have similarities in what they can do for an analytics system. These three are; Lakehouse, Data Warehouse, and Power BI Datamart. All three objects provide storage for the data, which can be loaded into them using an ETL process and read using something like a Power BI Read more about Lakehouse VS. Warehouse VS. Datamart – The Difference Between The Three Fabric Objects[…]

What is Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse?

Microsoft Fabric, an end-to-end Saas cloud-based analytics platform, has many workloads and objects. One of the Objects is called Data Warehouse, or in short, Warehouse. In this article, I’ll explain what the Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric is and how it works, and I will show you an example of it in action. Video Microsoft Read more about What is Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse?[…]

What is Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end data analytics solution in the cloud, and one of its workloads is called Data Factory. In this article, you will learn what Data Factory is, how it works with the rest of Microsoft Fabric, and what are elements and functions of Data Factory. Video Microsoft Fabric To understand Data Factory, Read more about What is Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric[…]

Getting Started with Dataflow in Microsoft Fabric Data Factory

The Dataflow in Microsoft Fabric is an element for getting the data from the source, transforming it, and loading it into a destination. In this article and video, we will go through what Dataflow is and how it works with a simple example of it. Video What is Microsoft Fabric? Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end Read more about Getting Started with Dataflow in Microsoft Fabric Data Factory[…]

Getting Started with Data Pipelines in Fabric Data Factory

Microsoft Fabric comes with many objects that can enhance your data analytics experience. One of those objects which comes from the Azure Data Factory is Pipeline. For those using Power Query Dataflows, you may think you already have everything you wanted there, but Pipeline certainly has more to offer and complement the experience. In this Read more about Getting Started with Data Pipelines in Fabric Data Factory[…]

What is Microsoft Fabric, and Why it is a Big Deal!

You might have heard the news of the announcement at Microsoft Build by Arun Ulag and the rest of the Microsoft Data and Analytics Platform team. The announcement was about the new service offering named Microsoft Fabric. In this article and video, I want to explain what Fabric is and why you should care. In Read more about What is Microsoft Fabric, and Why it is a Big Deal![…]