Fetch Files and/or Folders with Filtering and Masking: Power Query


Fetching list of Files in a folder is easy with Power Query, it is one of the built-in source types. However fetching list of folders is not a built-in function. In this post I’ll show you how to fetch list of files, and also fetch only list of folders. The method explained in a way that you can customize the code and apply any conditions as you want later on. Conditions such as File or folder name masking to fetch only names that contains special character strings.


Hybrid, End-to-End; Power BI, Azure SQL Database, Data Factory


With the announcement of Power BI a week ago and with great features in this product, there are many opportunities that this product and service can be used. Power BI can be used alongside some other Azure services, and even On-Premises services to build an end-to-end enterprise BI and Data Analysis Solution. In this post I’ll just explain one example scenario of Hybrid and End-to-End BI solution that uses below technologies;

  • Data Sources On-Premises
  • Azure Data Factory or SSIS with Azure Pack for Data extraction and transformation
  • Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Data Warehouse as the database / data warehouse engine in cloud
  • Power BI as the data analysis and front-end tool


How to Change Joining Types in Power BI and Power Query


Joining tables is not a new concept, I bet all readers of my blog at least have a clue about that. However there are different types of joins, and applying these types of Joins are not all possible through Power Query GUI. Power BI recently took an step and implemented that in the GUI, however you might like to know how to apply that in the Power Query. The trick is that M is your friend, You can do whatever you want behind the scenes with M script.


Power Query Function that Returns Multiple Values


Yesterday in NZ BI user group meeting, I’ve been asked that does Power Query custom functions return only one value as the result set? or they can return multiple values. I’ve answered Yes, and I’ve explained that through a sentence how to do it with Records, List, or Table. Then I thought this might be a question of many people out there. So I’ve wrote this blog post to illustrate how to return multiple values from a custom function in Power Query.


Power BI Waterfall Chart: What’s That All About?


You’ve heard the news about Power BI Desktop release with bunch of new features. If you don’t, read blog post here to understand new features of Power BI. Waterfall chart is one of the new visualization elements in this product. For finance people this chart makes sense, but not everyone knows the usage of that. In this post I want to explain what is Waterfall chart, when to use it? and how to use it? So you would learn what’s Waterfall chart all about?


Day Number of Year, Power Query Custom Function


There are number of Date and DateTime built-in functions in Power Query which are really helpful. There is also a function for DayNumberOfYear. However I’ve thought it would be a good example to go through writing a function that uses Generators, Each singleton function, and error handling all inside a custom function. Through this post you will also learn;

  • how to create Custom Function
  • how to use Generators as loop structure
  • and how to user Error Handling.


SSAS Tabular Live Power BI Connection


When Power BI 2.0 released as General Availability I’ve published a post that highlights all new features in this product. One of the features was SSAS Tabular Live Power BI Connection. In this post I want to explore more what the Live connection means and what are advantages of this type of connection. Power BI Designer (Previous version of Power BI Desktop) was supporting offline connection to SSAS. The new SSAS Live connection of Power BI only works with SSAS Tabular at the moment.


Power BI: How to Analyze FIFA 2014 Worldcup


It was sometimes ago that I’ve posted some data analysis that I’ve done with Power BI Designer on FIFA 2014 Worldcup results. In this post I want to take you through the process of how to achieve that analysis. This post is an introduction to Power BI features with the example of FIFA 2014 Worldcup result set. Through this post you will learn how to connect to web based data sets and mash up the data with Power Query component of Power BI Desktop. And finally how to model it and visualize it in the Power BI report. Most of the data for this example comes from data sets in FIFA 2014 Worldcup official website: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/archive/brazil2014/index.html


All in One: What’s New in Power BI Desktop 2.0 GA


The Breaking news of General Availability of Power BI 2.0 in now everywhere all around the world. In this post I’ll illustrate some great new features of Power BI. if you would like to see a real world example of Power BI you can read FIFA 2014 Worldcup Data Analysis with Power BI, I’ll update that example later on with the new Power BI version. It has been a while that Power BI was on Preview, and with the great effort from Microsoft product team it is now available fully released. As per Microsoft blog post on 21st of July 2015 Microsoft mentioned some great features that will be available in this release, in this post we will go through them one by one. […]

Self Service BI- Power Query-Section 1: Search for Data

In this Video I tried to gather some information about Dog Breeds from different 3 websites : http://www.mans-best-friend.org.uk/dog-breeds-alphabetical-list.htm http://www.dogbreedslist.info/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds I have explained how to get data from these websites even they don’t provide any API.