PowerApps – Building Timesheet App without Coding – Part 3 – Connecting to multiple data source, and getting ready to build dropdown lists


We have got an idea of PowerApps working environment from the last post, now we can start customising functionalities of our TimeSheet App. Click here for a recap on all functions for our TimeSheet App.

We are working on our first function in this post – Dropdown list:

  • When creating a new timesheet record, team members can choose their names and client names from dropdown lists. The chosen values will be recorded in our data table.

Let’s look at the design of our database:

We are currently working on TimeSheet table. In order to be able to show Employee names and Client names, we need to refer to Client table and Employee table.

Adding multiple data sources

On the right panel, options tab, we can see that the data table that we are currently connected. To refer to the 2 tables, we need to add more connections. Click “+ Add data source”

Then choose the relevant tables, so that TimeSheet App will be able to access information from the correct tables.

Now let’s look at the Screens section on the left. All created objects are listed here. In this TimeSheet App, 3 Screens are created. Browse, Details and Edit. We will work on each of them. At this stage, we work on the EditScreen1, where the new Timesheet record is created.

Let’s get familiar with the screen. We are at the EditScreen1, Option tab where we can see all the connected data tables. First we want to arrange the fields shown in TimeSheet App in the order that is logical for the team members to fill in information. To make job easier, let’s rename all the objects so that they are easy to identify, then we can arrange them.

Renaming objects

To rename an object, just simply right click on it or click the dots next to it, and choose “Rename” This DataCard12 contains all objects created for “Starting Time”, so this is renamed to be “StartingTime”.

All created items are renamed properly. Now we can rearrange fields in the order that it is more logical to team members.

Rearranging fields

At EditForm1, at options tab, we can see all fields included in TimeSheet data table. Those checked fields are fields in the App, connected to the data table. That means when you update those checked fields in the App, database is updated. To rearrange fields appeared in TimeSheet App, we just need to drag and drop fields in the Options tab.

This post, we have connected to multiple data source, renamed objects for easier management, rearranged fields order.

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Freda Fung

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