In the last post, I started to explain how I used Power Automate for my business case scenario using Power automate, Excel, and OneDrive for conference management that can be applied to all other training class scenarios.
In the last post, I explained how to trigger a PowerAutomated via Excel and create a folder inside it.

In this post, I will explained how to create a link out of it and share it with others in an email format.
After creating the Folder in the last post we able to add another action just by clicking in the middle of the line

The action is about to generate the ink of the shared folder, so we can share it with others in an email
In Power Automate, I create a new action as Initialize Variable and for the Name of the variable I put Name and the type was String. next, for the value, I use the Concat() function to

concat(‘/PBI Summit/’,outputs(‘Create_file’)?[‘body/Name’])
that is going to put the root folder plus the name and link from the previous action that was creating a file with the name of the speaker.
So in the next action, Create Share link by Path
we defined a path that the path comes from the previous action, the folder should be editable,

In the last step is to create Send an email, You can write your email here and choose the email list from the excel sheet that trigger the flow ( in the last post)

or if you like to keep the formatting you have in Outlook (check blog created by David Lozzi from here).
you need to extract the HTML part of the email you want to send, I already have a formatted email I just open in it new Window then
Click on Message–>Move–>Actions–>Other Actions–>View Source

Then paste the code in the body section and put your desired link

In the code I have to put the link for OneDrive I created in previous step inside the html/message body

Now all is setup, once you click on the excel sheet, new folder is going to create at the same time an email will send email that contains the link to OneDrive with your message.