Change the Data Source TYPE of the Power BI Dynamically using Power Query Parameters

I have written a blog article and explained how Power Query parameters can be used to change the data source in Power BI. Another useful scenario of it is actually to change even the data source itself. For example, you may have two data sources with exactly the same data structure (columns), but different data. Read more about Change the Data Source TYPE of the Power BI Dynamically using Power Query Parameters[…]

Power Query Function: Column Value Distribution in Power BI

If you have a table and want to create a report of column value distribution of it in Power BI, This function helps you achieve it. I have explained previously in another blog and video, how to do this process step by step. In this article, I’ll share the code for a custom function that Read more about Power Query Function: Column Value Distribution in Power BI[…]

Creating Column Values Distribution Report in Power BI Using Power Query

I have written about profiling data and the importance of it in Power Query, I also explained how the profiling data can be prepared to create a report in Power BI for the user to understand the data better. And I explained how the error count of that can be added to the report. Another Read more about Creating Column Values Distribution Report in Power BI Using Power Query[…]

Drill Down and Up in Power BI Explained

Power BI works with hierarchies very easily, and there are buttons to drill down and up. However, sometimes, these buttons are confusing for the users. It is essential to know what each drill down/up option is and how it works, not just for developers but also for the end-users. In this blog and video, I’ll Read more about Drill Down and Up in Power BI Explained[…]

Page-Level Security workaround in Power BI

If you want to control the access to the Power BI report pages (or tabs) in a way that some users see some pages, and some others see other pages, we need something called page-level security. However, Power BI, as of today, doesn’t support visual-level or page-level security. There is a workaround to do it. Read more about Page-Level Security workaround in Power BI[…]

Why data preparation and transformation? Why Power Query?

Does Power Query requires training or reading a book, or even reading an article? I get this question a lot from those who started Power BI not long ago. Many users think that Power Query is just the get data from the source, and that’s it. Considering the many data source connectors in the Power Read more about Why data preparation and transformation? Why Power Query?[…]

Book Overview: Power BI DAX Simplified

A few weeks ago, my new book was published and is now available. As the Amazon web page for the book won’t allow me to put some more details about what it is, I thought it better to share some more information about it here. This book is available in all possible Amazon markets as Read more about Book Overview: Power BI DAX Simplified[…]

Take Your Power BI Visualization to the Next Level using Small Multiples

Small multiple is a relatively recent feature on some of the Power BI visuals. This feature enables you to have a much better visualization instead of trying to fit everything in one visual (over-complicate it) or create copies of the same visual (maintenance issue in the future). This is a simple feature to use, which Read more about Take Your Power BI Visualization to the Next Level using Small Multiples[…]

Explicit Vs Implicit DAX Measures in Power BI

Have you ever tried to connect to a Power BI dataset from Excel using Analyze in Excel? if yes, you might have had this experience that your values don’t show in Excel’s Pivot table as values. This is because those values are not explicit measures, they are implicit measures in Power BI. In this article Read more about Explicit Vs Implicit DAX Measures in Power BI[…]

Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data

Bookmark is a helpful feature in Power BI. It enables you to have a good story to tell and also have a dynamic visualization. I have explained how bookmarks work in Power BI and how to use them with buttons to have a next-level visualization. An important attribute of the bookmark is the Data. You Read more about Power BI Bookmark: With or Without Data[…]