Basics of DAX Expression in Power BI

There are a lot of resources about how to use each function. However, you always need to start with learning how the expression language works itself. You need to learn how to reference columns and tables. what operators can be used, and what are the very simple basics of writing a DAX expression. In this Read more about Basics of DAX Expression in Power BI[…]

DAX CrossFilter Function in Power BI: Write the Formula both-directional, but keep the relationship single-directional

If you are familiar with relationships in Power BI, you know that there are scenarios that you may need to change the direction of the relationship to a both-directional. A both-directional relationship comes at a cost, which is mainly performance and ambiguity of the model. There is a way to write a calculation in a Read more about DAX CrossFilter Function in Power BI: Write the Formula both-directional, but keep the relationship single-directional[…]

Power BI Visualization Tip: Hide or Lock the Filter for Users

I have previously explained that we have three scopes of filtering in the Power BI visualization. The filter created in the filter pane can be often changed or viewed by the user. However, there is a simple way to hide or lock it from the user. In this article and video, I explain how that Read more about Power BI Visualization Tip: Hide or Lock the Filter for Users[…]

Power BI File Clean-up In a Few Steps

If you have a Power BI file for a while, you realize the model gets bigger and bigger. Not only the file size but also the number of pages, tables, fields. You will get to some steps that it would be really hard to find which tables and fields are useful and which are not. Read more about Power BI File Clean-up In a Few Steps[…]

Power BI Theme: Customize Colors, Fonts, and Visual Appearance for Multiple Objects

If you build a report for an enterprise, you might be limited to use the organization-approved colors. It is also useful to have your reports following a template of colors, and fonts, which might look like your signature of the report. In Power BI, you can do that with Theme. In this article, I’ll explain Read more about Power BI Theme: Customize Colors, Fonts, and Visual Appearance for Multiple Objects[…]

Scope of Filter in Power BI Report

For a visualization tool, one of the important factors is to filter the data for a specific reporting requirement. Power BI gives you this ability by the Filters pane in the visualization. There are, however, three scopes of filtering, which you need to be aware of. In this short article and video, I explained how Read more about Scope of Filter in Power BI Report[…]

Trim Vs. Clean in Power BI and Power Query

When applying text transformations in Power BI using Power Query; two very important transformations that can help are; Trim and Clean. These two mistakenly often considered to do one thing, but they are different. In this short article and video, I’ll explain their differences through an example. Video Sample text Let’s assume I have a Read more about Trim Vs. Clean in Power BI and Power Query[…]

Add Prefix and Suffix to a Text in Power BI: Generate Country Images and pages

There are many useful transformations in Power Query for Power BI. One of them is adding the prefix and suffix to a text column. These transformations are very simple to apply and have an immense value in building columns based on patterns and template texts. In this short video and article, I’ll explain how you Read more about Add Prefix and Suffix to a Text in Power BI: Generate Country Images and pages[…]

Create Customized Age Bins (or Groups) in Power BI

Power BI has the built-in feature of creating binning for a numeric field such as age. However, the default binning will create bins of equal size. If you want to create bins of different sizes, then you need to create that as a custom column. Fortunately, Power Query has transformations that can help. In this Read more about Create Customized Age Bins (or Groups) in Power BI[…]

Power BI DAX RelatedTable Function: Get the subtable related to the current row

There are multiple functions that can help when you work with tables that are connected through relationships. One of these functions is Relatedtable. This function gives you the subtable from the other table for all the rows related to the current row. For example, all sales transactions (from the Sales table) for the current customer Read more about Power BI DAX RelatedTable Function: Get the subtable related to the current row[…]