SCD: Slowly Changing Dimension, an Ultimate Guide

If you want to use Power BI, Microsoft Fabric, or any other data analytics tools, one of the key concepts to understand when working with a data warehouse system is the SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension). I will do this in a series of at least two articles. The first one (this one) will be on Read more about SCD: Slowly Changing Dimension, an Ultimate Guide[…]

How to Use Dataflow to Make the Refresh of Power BI Solution FASTER!

Does it take a long time to get your data refreshed in your Power BI model? Should you wait for hours for the refresh to finish because you have complex transformations behind the scene? Does the long refresh time make it hard for you to develop your solution? The good news I have for you Read more about How to Use Dataflow to Make the Refresh of Power BI Solution FASTER![…]

Creating a Shared Dimension in Power BI Using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling

For a data warehouse professional, a shared dimension concept is always clear, and a star schema design always includes such type of entity. However, in the Power BI user’s world, there are many users who are not coming from a data warehousing background. It is necessary to understand some of the concepts in order to Read more about Creating a Shared Dimension in Power BI Using Power Query: Basics and Foundations of Modeling[…]

What is the Common Data Model and Why Should I Care? Part 3 of Dataflow Series in Power BI

In the last two articles, you have learned what is Dataflow and sample use case scenarios of that in Power BI, and also you learn how to create a dataflow. Before going any further in the dataflow discussion, we have to make a quick pause and talk about the Common Data Model (CDM). Dataflow integration Read more about What is the Common Data Model and Why Should I Care? Part 3 of Dataflow Series in Power BI[…]


Microsoft Machine Learning Technologies Overview Artificial intelligence and specifically Machine learning can bring lots of benefit to the business owner. Many businesses using Microsoft data platform tools for many years. Microsoft employed machine learning in creating their products such as Xbox, Bing Search and so forth for a while. However, from 2014 they start to Read more about OVERVIEW ON MICROSOFT MACHINE LEARNING TOOLS[…]

Power BI and Azure ML make them work with Power Query

In this blog post, I am going to show how to use the Azure ML web service in Power BI (Power Query). First Step: You need to create a model in Azure ML Studio and create a web service for it. The traditional example in Predict a passenger on Titanic ship is going to survived Read more about Power BI and Azure ML make them work with Power Query[…]

R Chart into SSRS (get data from SQL and create ggplot chart in R)-Part 1

In this and next post, I am going to show you how to connect to SQL Server to get data from there, then create a table chart using ggplot2 package inside SQL Server 2017 and then show the chart in SSRS. there are multiple steps for that we need to follow Get data and create Read more about R Chart into SSRS (get data from SQL and create ggplot chart in R)-Part 1[…]

Azure ML workbench-Data Wrangling -Part 3

In the last posts, I have explained how to install Azure ML workbench and how to run a sample and check the accuracy. In this post, I am going to show how to do data wrangling using Azure ML workbench. Just click on the left menu, on the database icon. There are 2 separate groups Read more about Azure ML workbench-Data Wrangling -Part 3[…]

New Series of Time Series: Power BI Custom Visual (Part 4)

In this post, I am going to show how we can do time series inside Power BI using custom visual from Office store. First you need to download custom visual from office store, to download R custom visual please follow the below link   now we are going to download some timeseries custom visuals Read more about New Series of Time Series: Power BI Custom Visual (Part 4)[…]