Dynamic Row Level Security with Profiles and Users in Power BI : Many-to-Many Relationship

The Dynamic RLS topic is getting a good response in my blog post, so I intend to write about other types of scenarios that a security would be required. In this post, we are going to look at another type of security which deals with users and their profiles. Sometimes you have a user part Read more about Dynamic Row Level Security with Profiles and Users in Power BI : Many-to-Many Relationship[…]

Dynamic Row Level Security with Manager Level Access in Power BI

I have written while ago, about how to implement a dynamic row level security in Power BI. This post is an addition to that post. I’ve had a lot of inquiries that; “What If I want users to see their own data, and the Manager to see everything?”, or “How to add Manager or Director Read more about Dynamic Row Level Security with Manager Level Access in Power BI[…]

Integrate Power BI Into Your Application: Part 6 – Real-time Streaming and Push Data

It’s been a while since the last post about Power BI REST API. I have written previously about how to get the REST API, and use it in your application, how the authentication works, and things such as embedding content, and data source management. In this post, I’m going to explain one of the functionalities Read more about Integrate Power BI Into Your Application: Part 6 – Real-time Streaming and Push Data[…]

Measure vs Calculated Column: The Mysterious Question? Not!

Despite all articles, blog posts, and videos on the topic of DAX Measures and Calculated columns, I still hear here and there that people ask what is the difference between Measure and Calculated Column? What situation should we use each of these? and on the other hand, what is the difference of creating column here, Read more about Measure vs Calculated Column: The Mysterious Question? Not![…]

Ribbon Chart is the Next Generation of Stacked Column Chart

Earlier this month (September 2017), in the new version of Power BI Desktop, a new type of chart announced; Ribbon Chart. The very first look and feel of this chart are similar to Stacked Column Chart. The question that might come into your mind is that; why another way of showing the same thing? The Read more about Ribbon Chart is the Next Generation of Stacked Column Chart[…]

Basics of Value Structures in M – Power Query Formula Language

A couple of months ago, I’ve written a blog post about Basics of M and explained few basics about this language. In this post, I’m going to the next step and will explain few other structure definitions in this language. In this post, you will learn about Tables, Records, Lists, and how to navigate through Read more about Basics of Value Structures in M – Power Query Formula Language[…]

Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 3: Public Holidays

In last two steps you learned how you can create a date dimension that has calendar columns, and fiscal columns. In this step we are going to look at how Power Query can be leveraged to fetch public holidays live from APIs, and add that information into the date dimension. This step shows the importance Read more about Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 3: Public Holidays[…]

Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 2: Fiscal Columns

In step 1 of creating date dimension I explained how to create the base query with calendar columns. In this post I will explain how to add fiscal columns calculated in the date dimension. Many of business reports generates on fiscal year, fiscal quarter, and fiscal period, so having fiscal columns is important part of Read more about Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 2: Fiscal Columns[…]

Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 1: Calendar Columns

I have written multiple blog posts so far about creating a date dimension. However, I still get the question about how to create a date dimension. In this series of blog posts I  am going to explain in details how you can create a date dimension easily in Power BI (based on Power Query). this Read more about Create a Date Dimension in Power BI in 4 Steps – Step 1: Calendar Columns[…]

New Series of Time Series: Power BI Custom Visual (Part 6)

In the last post, I have explained how to do time series forecast using “Exponential Smoothing” approach in Power BI. I start to explain the main parameters that we need to set up. The main concepts behind of most of these parameters have been explained in previous posts (Post 4, Post 3, Post 2, and Read more about New Series of Time Series: Power BI Custom Visual (Part 6)[…]