Why my Power BI Matrix or Table Visual is SLOW

You have created a Power BI report with many visualizations and calculations, however, it is slow! And the slowest part of that is the report page with a matrix or table visual in it! Why that visual is so slow? Is this the problem of Visual in Power BI? or Power BI problem at all? Read more about Why my Power BI Matrix or Table Visual is SLOW[…]

Build Your First Star Schema Model in Action: Power BI Modeling Basics

Dimensions and Fact tables are the two essential parts of building a data model, and their relationship in the form of Star Schema is the best practice of doing the modeling. However, these are all theories until you really experience it in a real-world example. In this article, I want to put everything you learned Read more about Build Your First Star Schema Model in Action: Power BI Modeling Basics[…]

Power BI Basics of Modeling: Star Schema and How to Build it

Now that you know about the dimension and fact tables, it is time to talk about one of the most important concepts of modeling. You might have heard about dimensional modeling or star schema, but you may have vague ideas about what it is, or alternatively, you might have used it, but not sure if Read more about Power BI Basics of Modeling: Star Schema and How to Build it[…]

Basics of Modeling in Power BI: Fact Tables

Fact tables are the core of analysis in a data model. In the previous article, I explained what a dimension table is, and why we cannot have everything in one big table. In this article, you will learn about the fact table, and how it positioned in a data model, you will also learn how Read more about Basics of Modeling in Power BI: Fact Tables[…]

Move Your Shared Tables to Dataflow; Build a Consistent Table in Power BI

I have written previously about the use cases of Dataflow in Power BI, and one of them was using one Power Query table in multiple Power BI reports. However, I that article just covered the surface, and I still see many solutions duplicating Power Query scripts in multiple files which brings a lot of inconsistency Read more about Move Your Shared Tables to Dataflow; Build a Consistent Table in Power BI[…]

Basics of Modeling in Power BI: What is a Dimension Table and Why Say No to a Single Big Table

I have previously written about relationships and the cardinality of the relationship. Now is a good time to explain the two types of tables we deal with every day in a reporting data model; Fact and Dimension table. In this article, I will explain what a Dimension table is, and examples of it, and how Read more about Basics of Modeling in Power BI: What is a Dimension Table and Why Say No to a Single Big Table[…]

Import Email Attachments Directly Into a Power BI Report using Power Query

Power Query has more than 80 data sources supported, and Microsoft Exchange is one of those data sources. Although it is not a new data source, however, the power of this data source combined with the data transformation power of Power Query is not clear for everyone. Using this data source, you can get all Read more about Import Email Attachments Directly Into a Power BI Report using Power Query[…]

Many-to-One or Many-to-Many? The Cardinality of Power BI Relationship Demystified

In the previous article, you learned the basics of relationships, you learned why we need a relationship, and what is the filtering impact of it across multiple tables. In this article, you will learn about one of the most important properties of a relationship called Cardinality. Understanding what the meaning is of 1-1, 1-Many, Many-1 Read more about Many-to-One or Many-to-Many? The Cardinality of Power BI Relationship Demystified[…]

Back to Basics: Power BI Relationship Demystified

There are tons of articles about advanced tips of Power BI modeling such as advanced DAX, and context transition. However, based on my experience with our clients, I realized there is a big gap in basic content. Hence, this article is going to cover the basic essentials of the relationship. Tips such as: What is Read more about Back to Basics: Power BI Relationship Demystified[…]

Export data from Power Query to Local Machine or SQL Server using R scripts

There is always a discussion on how to store back the data from Power BI to local computer or SQL Server Databases, in this short blog, I will show how to do it by writing R scripts inside Power Query.   First how to Store Files to PC To store data back to a file Read more about Export data from Power Query to Local Machine or SQL Server using R scripts[…]