Power BI Aggregations Step 3: Configure Aggregation Functions and Test Aggregations in Action

Aggregation can speed up the performance of DirectQuery sourced tables significantly. To use it, firstly, you need to create an aggregation table. Secondly, you must set up proper storage modes for tables in the model. Finally, you have to configure the aggregation functions, which I will explain in this post. You can learn about aggregation Read more about Power BI Aggregations Step 3: Configure Aggregation Functions and Test Aggregations in Action[…]

Power BI Fast and Furious with Aggregations

Power BI is not only a solution for small datasets, but It also caters for big datasets. If the volume of data is huge, you can switch to DirectQuery mode. Because DirectQuery does not store a copy of that data in the memory of the machine that runs the Power BI model, then Power BI Read more about Power BI Fast and Furious with Aggregations[…]

Power BI Modeling: Change the Status Log Table to a From-To Table

It is common that you face a status table in your data analysis scenarios. A status table normally has a column for the status of the items and the date of status change. This type of table, although informative, can be hard for analyzing data. In this article and video, I’ll explain why it is Read more about Power BI Modeling: Change the Status Log Table to a From-To Table[…]

What a Power BI Hierarchy Is, and How to Use it?

Power BI hierarchies are a useful structure for drill-down and data exploration in reports. A hierarchy can be created simply and can add great value for you as a developer and end-users for better data analysis. In this article and video, I’ll explain what a Power BI hierarchy is and how to create it. Video Read more about What a Power BI Hierarchy Is, and How to Use it?[…]

Power BI Design Tip: Disable the Auto-Detect Relationship

Relationships are the heart of Power BI modeling, and Power BI Desktop has a way to help and identify the relationships based on the source, or the data. However, often, this ability to automatically detect a relationship is more troublesome than helping, especially when you deal with tables that are not designed for reporting. In Read more about Power BI Design Tip: Disable the Auto-Detect Relationship[…]

Combine Tables or Create Relationships? The Power BI Modeling Best Practice

Despite my many articles about the importance of star-schema and design principals of fact and dimension tables. I still get this question a lot: “When is good to combine tables vs loading them in the Power BI and creating a relationship between them?” This article is going to answer this question. Relationships In Power BI Read more about Combine Tables or Create Relationships? The Power BI Modeling Best Practice[…]

Power BI Modeling Tip: Snapshot Table, or DAX Measures?

I often get this question: “Is it better that I create this calculation as a snapshot table in Power Query (or T-SQL, or the data source), or write DAX measures for it?” If you ever had a scenario of creating a report of snapshots, you know what I mean. “Should I have a table for Read more about Power BI Modeling Tip: Snapshot Table, or DAX Measures?[…]

Subscription Pattern in Power BI – DAX Measure for Active Subscribers or Open Tickets For All Dates

One of the common patterns of a data model is the subscription pattern. In this pattern, we have subscriptions (or tickets, or issues, or whatever else you want to call it) open date and close date. The way that this data is stored in a table makes it a bit challenging to get informative insight Read more about Subscription Pattern in Power BI – DAX Measure for Active Subscribers or Open Tickets For All Dates[…]

Calculating Stock on Hand Using DAX: Power BI Inventory Model

You don’t have always the luxury of having a snapshot fact table that has the stock on hand value for every single day, at every single workshop, and for every single product. Even if you want to build such a table, it can get easily gigantic. In this blog post, I am going to show Read more about Calculating Stock on Hand Using DAX: Power BI Inventory Model[…]

Why My Values are Not Showing Correctly in Power BI?

I have written previously about what is a fact table, and what is the dimension table, and how they relate to each other in a Power BI data model. However, still I see when people use these tables in their model, they get ambiguity of what table should be used for what, and if they Read more about Why My Values are Not Showing Correctly in Power BI?[…]