Create a subset of the table in Power BI and add calculations using SELECTCOLUMNS DAX Function

Previously I explained the AddColumns function as a function that adds one or more columns to the existing table, In this article and video, I’ll explain another similar and useful function with slightly different behavior: SelectColumns, and you will learn how you can use it in Power BI and DAX. SELECTCOLUMNS is a Tabular function Read more about Create a subset of the table in Power BI and add calculations using SELECTCOLUMNS DAX Function[…]

How to use AddColumns function in DAX and Power BI

AddColumns is a DAX function that is helpful often when writing calculations in Power BI. In this article and video, I’ll explain how you can use it to add calculated columns on the fly to the virtual tables in measures or directly in a table. AddColumns DAX Tabular Function AddColumns is a tabular function in Read more about How to use AddColumns function in DAX and Power BI[…]

Multi-Select Slicer in Power BI

This is a very short, simple article about how to have a multi-select slicer in Power BI. Power BI slicer is in fact multi-select by default, however, there is a very small option that if you set it, makes it even easier to use, let’s talk about it. If you want to learn more about Read more about Multi-Select Slicer in Power BI[…]

Day of Year and Day of Quarter – DAX calculations for Power BI

Power BI has some built-in, easy-to-use DAX functions to get the Day of Month and Day of the week, but nothing for Day of Year and Day of the quarter. These calculations, however, are very simple and easy to implement using other functions. This short blog and video explain a method to calculate those for Read more about Day of Year and Day of Quarter – DAX calculations for Power BI[…]

Power BI Design Tip: Disable the Auto-Detect Relationship

Relationships are the heart of Power BI modeling, and Power BI Desktop has a way to help and identify the relationships based on the source, or the data. However, often, this ability to automatically detect a relationship is more troublesome than helping, especially when you deal with tables that are not designed for reporting. In Read more about Power BI Design Tip: Disable the Auto-Detect Relationship[…]

Power BI Quick Tip: the Formula Bar in Power Query

Often you do the transformation in Power Query using the graphical interface, but having the formula bar visible, makes it much easier to understand or change the transformations. In this short blog and video, I’ll explain that. Power Query transformations In Power BI, we use Power Query a lot for transformations, but mostly using the Read more about Power BI Quick Tip: the Formula Bar in Power Query[…]

Dataflow: a remedy slow data sources in Power BI

I have previously explained a number of use cases for dataflows. One really useful case for it is to use dataflow for slow data sources. In this short article and video, I’ll explain how this works. What is a dataflow? Dataflow is a Power Query process that runs in the cloud and stores the result Read more about Dataflow: a remedy slow data sources in Power BI[…]

How to modify a linked entity in Power BI dataflows

It is not possible to change a linked entity in a dataflow in Power BI. Linked entities has to be modified only in the dataflow in which they are created. However, sometimes, you need to do a small modification to the linked entity in a chained dataflow. There is a very simple trick, In this Read more about How to modify a linked entity in Power BI dataflows[…]

Writing calculations on a real-time streaming Power BI dataset using DAX measures

In the previous article and video, I explained a method that you can use to have real-time calculations in a Power BI streaming dataset. The calculations done that way are limited though because it is using the Q&A feature of Power BI. If you are after a complex calculation then DAX can definitely help. In Read more about Writing calculations on a real-time streaming Power BI dataset using DAX measures[…]

How to write simple calculations in a Power BI streaming dataset?

If you use a streaming dataset in Power BI, you cannot download the Power BI file, and you cannot open it using Power BI Desktop. This means that you are limited not to use calculations in a streaming dataset. However, there is a small trick which you can use and can be helpful. I will Read more about How to write simple calculations in a Power BI streaming dataset?[…]